Police Precinct Index of Congregations in Brooklyn

Index Updated March 3, 2025

— Precinct 67 —

A Family of God for the Church of God
A Voice Is Heard Mission Church
Abundant Life Christian Center
Abundant Life Church of Christ
Adventist Remnants Tabernacle
Agape Sanctuary
Albany Creole Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Allen Memorial AME Church
Antioch Evangelistic & Deliverance Ministries
Apostolic Assembly of Jesus Christ
Apostolic House of Deliverance
Apostolic House of Prayer
Assemblies of the First Born
Assembly of God Pentecostal Church
Bethanie French SDA Church
Bethel Christian Church (Disciples)
Beulah Church of God (7th Day)
Beverly Creole Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Bible Speaks Church of Christ (Disc)
Brooklyn Bethlehem Haitian Free Methodist Church
Brooklyn Christian Center, Inc.
Brooklyn Church of God 7th Day
Brooklyn Faith SDA Church
Brooklyn Hindu Temple
Brooklyn Outreach Church
Brownsville Temple SDA Church
Byways & Hedges Youth for Christ Ministry
Calvary Church of the Nazarene
Calvary United Church
Chabad Lubavitch of Remsen Village
Chapel of Love Redeemed Christian Church of God
Chebar Evangelical fellowship
Christ Ambassadors Pentecostal Church
Christ Memorial Holy Church
Christian Covenant Ministry
Christian Fellowship SDA Church
Christian Gospel Ministry
Christian Light Baptist Church
Church Avenue Church of God of Prophecy
Church of God
Church of God & Saints of Christ
Church of God Ecclesia Assembly
Church of God of Cortelyou Road
Church of God of East Flatbush
Church of God of Prophecy
Church of God of Salvation
Church of God of the Great Commission (Disc)
Church of God of the New Jerusalem
Church of Jesus Teaching Ministry
Church of Pentecost Brooklyn Assembly
Church of the Children of Zion
Church of the Open Bible
Church of the Overcoming of Sin
City of Faith Church of God
Clarendon Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Clarendon Road Church of the C&M Alliance
Clarkson Avenue Church of God
Community Christian Church of New York (Disc)
Congregation Bnai Jacob
Congregation Brei Avrahan
Crusade Evangelique de Pecheurs d' Hommes (Disc)
Divine Guidance Tabernacle of Faith
Downstate Medical Center Prayer Space
East Flatbush Church of God of Prophecy
Ebenezer Missionary Chapel
Eglise Baptiste Bethesda
Eglise Baptiste Communion Fraternelle
Eglise Baptiste Emmanuel Internationale
Eglise Christian de New York
Eglise de Dieu
Eglise de Dieu
Eglise de Dieu
Eglise de Dieu
Eglise de Dieu Des Freres Limis En Christ
Eglise de Dieu Fraternalle
Eglise Evangelique Church Des Brooklyn
Eglise Evangelique de Dieu En Christ
Eglise Fardeau Des Ames Pour Christ
El Bethel Prayer Praise and Worship Tabernacle
El Shaddai Baptist Church
Elim SDA Church
Emmanuel Tower Church of God in Christ
Emmaus Christian Community Church
Endurance Church of God in Christ
Erasmus Church of God
Eureka Christian Fellowship
Eureka SDA Church
Evangelical Baptist Church of the Glorious Dream
Faith Believers Tabernacle of Praise
Faith Christian Missionary Church of God
Faith Deliverance Ministry
Faith Evangelical Temple
Faithway Deliverance Center
Fellowship Baptist Church
First Church of Brooklyn
First Community Triumphant Cathedral
Fresh Springs Ministries
Gates of Heaven Ministry International
Gethsemane Temple Church of God in Christ
Glory of God Tabernacle
God With Us Ministries
God's Battalion of Prayer Church
Good Hope Baptist Church
Good Life Deliverance Ministries
Good News Tabernacle Mission (Disc)
Good Way Deliverance Ministries
Goshen Temple SDA Church
Gospel Tabernacle of Jesus Christ Apostolic Church
Grace Church of the First Born
Grace Deliverance Tabernacle Church of God
Greater Blessing Assembly of Praise
Greater Outreach Gospel Deliverance Ministry
Greater St. James AME Church
Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church
Holy Love Pentecostal Church
Hyde Park Congregational Church
Iglesia Fuente de Salvacion
Innervision Christian Center
International Care Ministries
International Faith Christian Fellowship
International Pentecostal City Mission
Jersusalem French SDA Church
Jesus Christ in Action Evangelical Assembly
Jesus in Charge Mission Church of God in Christ
Judah Worship Center Ministry Church of God
Khal Ahavas Yisrael
Kingdom Principle Ministries
L'Eglise de Dieu
L'Eglise de Dieu Des Saintes Nouvellas
L'Eglise Eben-Ezer Foi En Dieu
Lenox Road Baptist Church
Life & Light Apostolic Assembly
Life and Light Apostolic Assembly
Lively Stone Pentecostal Assembly
Living Word SDA Church
Maranatha French Speaking Assembly of God
Maranatha French Speaking Assembly of God
Maranatha SDA Church
Marantha Baptist Church
Marantha French Assembly of God
Masjid al-Huda
Masjid Al-Marjaan
Masjid Dar al Arqam
Mercy Mission Gospel Church
Miracle Signs and Wonders
Mispah Assembly
Missionary Church of God
Moriah Assembly of God
Mt. Ararat Spiritual House of Prayer
Mt. Carmel Church of God in Christ
Mt. Carmel Worship & Outreach Center
Mt. Hope Spiritual Baptist Church
Mt. Horeb Spiritual Baptist Church
Mt. Nebo Zion Missionary Church
Mt. Olive Pentecostal Church of Faith
Mt. Paran Spiritual Baptist Church
Mt.Zion Church of God (7th Day)
New Apostolic Church
New Birth Revelation Pentecostal Church of God
New Creation Church of God in Christ
New Dimension Mission SDA Church
New Dimension SDA Church
New Genesis Worship Center
New Horizon Gospel Ministries
New Jerusalem Church of the Nazarene
New Life Church of Truth
New Life Ministries
New Life Tabernacle (UPC)
New Temple Zion Christ Church
New Testament Church of God
New York Center of Truth
New York Congregational Baptist Church
Olivet Seventh Day Church
Original Pentecostal Church
Peniel Church of the C & M Alliance
Peniel French SDA Church
Pentecostal All Saints Church Apostolic Faith
Pentecostal Circle Tabernacle
Pentecostal Deliverance & Restoration Ministry
Pentecostal Deliverance Center
Pentecostal Deliverance Ministries of America
Pentecostal Gospel Tabernacle
People of Destiny Ministry
Philadelphia Church of God
Power of Faith Ministry
Premier Baptist Church
Preparation Church of God Holiness
Promised Land Parish Celestial Church of Christ
Rehoboth Open Bible Church
Remsen Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Rescue Mission Christian Church
Restoration Fellowship Church
Restoration Temple (Assembly of God)
Resurrection Temple
Reviving Revelation Pentecostal Church
River of Life SDA Church
Rochester Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Rockaway Parkway Church of God of Prophecy
Rogers Avenue SDA Church
Rugby Deliverance Tabernacle
Shekinah House of Deliverance Christian Church
Shiloh Apostolic Church
Shiloh Pentecostal Assembly
Shiloh Spiritual Baptist Temple
Shiny Light Pentecostal Church
Smyrne French SDA Church
St. Anthony Spiritual Baptist Church
St. Augustine Episcopal Church
St. Catherine of Genoa Roman Catholic Church
St. Jerome Roman Catholic Church
St. John Divine Spiritual Baptist Church
St. John's Apostolic Spiritual Church
St. John's Wesleyan Methodist Church
St. Michael's Spiritual Church
St. Paul's United Methodist Church
St. Stephen's Lutheran Church
St. Therese of Liseux Roman Catholic Church
St. Vincent Ferrer Roman Catholic Church
Sychar French SDA Church
Tabernacle Du Christ
Tabernacle of Christ (Disc)
Tabernacle of Deliverance
Tabernacle of Deliverance Church of God in Christ
Tabernacle of Praise
Theophile Church Inc.
Tilden Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Tree of Life Church
Trinity SDA Church
Trinity Spiritual Baptist Association
Triumphant Church of Jesus Christ
Triumphant Deliverance Church of God
Triumphant Full Gospel Assembly
Truth Center for Higher Consciousness
United Community Baptist Church
United Deliverance Center
United Light Foundation Church
Universal Church
Universal Church
Universal Love Peace & Joy Church of God
Utica Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
VanderVeer Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Victory Assembly of God
Vision Pentecostal Church of God
Wings of Faith Church of Jesus
Yeshiva Bais Sholom
Young Israel of East Flatbush and Remsen
Zion House of Truth Sabbath Church


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Anglican, Baptist, Congregational, Disciples, Lutheran, Methodist, Moravian, Orthodox, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Reformed, and
Independent Churches


475 Riverside Drive Ste 727

New York, NY 10115-0070


FAX 212-870-1025




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