Police Precinct Index of Congregations in Brooklyn

Index Updated November 5, 2024

— Precinct 70 —

Advent-Gravesend Church [Lutheran-Reformed]
Al-Mahdi Foundation
Albanian Mashid
Albanian-American Islamic Community
Albemarle Creole Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
All Souls Church of Brooklyn
Assemblee Des Eglises
Assembles Des Eglise
Ayudath Israel of Midwood
Az Yashir Torah Congregation
Bangladesh Muslim Center
Berea Church of God
Berean Adventist Association
Bethel House of Prayer (Apostolic)
Bethesda Church of God in Christ
Bibleway Church of God Pentecostal
Brooklyn Cathedral of Praise
Brooklyn Church of Christ
Brooklyn Gospel Assembly Church
Brooklyn SDA Church
Cambodian Evangelical Church C&MA
Caton Creole Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Chabad House of Flatbush
Chabad Lubavitch of Midwood
Christ Mon Berger
Christian Community Alliance Church
Christian Ministries Fellowship
Church of Jerusalem
City View Baptist Church
Congregation Bais Medrach Averichim
Congregation Beth Medrash Govoah of Flatlands
Congregation Beth Mordechai
Congregation Beth Schnay-Or
Congregation Chasidei Gur
Congregation Kol Torah
Congregation Ohel Moshe Chevra
Congregation Ohel Moshe Chevra
Congregation Ohel Torah Ateres Mordechai
Congregation Talmud Torah of Flatbush
Congregation Tomchei Torah
Congregation Yeshuvos Chaim
Cortelyou Road Church of God
East Midwood Jewish Center
Eglise Baptiste de Israel
Eglise Baptiste Du Redempteur
Eglise de Dieu
Eglise de Dieu Saintete
Eglise Revelation Divine
Elim French SDA Church
Emmanuel Church of God
Emmanuel Pentecostal Church
Emmaus SDA Church
Epiphany & St. Simon Episcopal Church
Eternal Life Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn
Eternal Light Church Inc. Christ Temple
Evangelical Crusade of Soul Winners (Disc)
Faith Assembly of God
Faizan-E-Madinah Islamic Center
Fernande Valme Ministries
Fire Baptized Holiness Church
First Wesleyan Church of Brooklyn
Flatbush Church of the Redeemer
Flatbush Creole Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Flatbush Dutch Reformed Church
Flatbush Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Flatbush Minyan
Flatbush SDA Church
Flatbush-Tompkins Congregational Church
Futa Islamic Center
Ghanaian Presbyterian-Reformed Church
Glorious Church of God in Christ
Good Shepherd Spiritual Baptist Church
Greek Assembly of God
Haitian Tabernacle of Brooklyn
His Grace Outreach International
Holy Innocents Roman Catholic Church
Iglesia Cristian Haitiana
Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal MI Huerto de Paz
Iglesia Pentecostal CLA Monte de Santidad
Iglesia Pentecostal Jesus El Camino Verdadero
Jessamy Mission
Jesus El Camino Verdadero
Kenilworth Baptist Church
Kensington Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Kings Church of Christ
Kol Israel Congregation
Kollel of Flatbush
Laurel Estates Synagogue
Lenox French Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Makki Mosque
Manahian Church of God
Masjid Abu Bakr El Seddique
Masjid Al-Tawhed
Masjid Imam Bukhami Tri-State Islamic Center
Masjid Quba
Midwood Ward English Church Latter Day Saints
Muslim Community Center of Brooklyn
Nativity Episcopal Church
New Jerusalem SDA Church
Our Lady Help of Christians Roman Catholic Church
Our Lady of Refuge Roman Catholic Church
Pilgrim Wesleyan Church
Progressive Temple Beth Aharat Sholom
Rescue the Perishing Deliverance Ministry
Rock of Holiness Deliverance Ministries
Salem Missionary Baptist Church
Smyrne French Mission SDA Church
St. Brendan Roman Catholic Church
St. Mark's United Methodist Church
St. Mary's Spiritual Church
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church
Talmud Torah of Flatbush
Temple Beth Eneth v'Ohr Progressive Shaari Zedek
Temple Isaac
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Trinity New Testament Assembly
Unity East Church Center
VanderVeer Park United Methodist Church
Wesleyan Methodist Church of Ghana
World Missions Assembly
Yad Shaul
Young Israel of Avenue J
Young Israel of Avenue K
Young Israel of Midwood
Young Israel of Vanderveer Park
Zicron Eliyahu


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