Police Precinct Index of Congregations in Brooklyn

Index Updated November 5, 2024

— Precinct 71 —

Agape Word of Faith Community Church
Apostolic Church of Christ
Apostolic Doctrine Pentecostal Times Assembly
Bethany Deliverance Church of God in Christ
Bethany Evangelical Church
Bethany Gospel Church
Bethel Natl Evangelical Spiritual Baptist Church
Beulah United Church of God
Brooklyn Christadelphian Assembly
Brooklyn Miracle Temple
Brooklyn Risen With Christ Church of the Nazarene
Carroll Creole Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Chabad of Bushwick
Church of Deliverance
Church of Righteousness & Light
Church of St. Mark
Church of the Evangel (UCC)
Community Tabernacle of Praise SDA Church
Congregation Agudath Israel
Congregation Ahavas Moische/Itchkes Shteeble
Congregation Bais Rivkah
Congregation Lubavitch
Crown Heights Church of God of Prophecy
Deeper Life Word Outreach Ministry
Divine Word of Truth Church of God in Christ
Dorchester Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Ebbets Field Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Ebenezer Haitian Baptist Church
Eglise Christianne de New York
Eglise de Dieu
Eglise de Dieu de La Pentecoste
Eglise Du Nazarene Liberes
Eglise Evangelique Baptiste Maranatha
Eglise La Verite
Emmanuel Cave Spiritual Baptist Church
Emmanuel Christian Mission Church
Faith Pentecostal Church of God
Fellowship Moravian Church
Fenimore Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Fenimore Street United Methodist Church
First Baptist Church of Crown Heights
First Bethlehem Baptist Church
First Church of God in Christ Jesus
First Church of Latter Rain
First United Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic
Free Nazareen Church
Freedom Hall Church of God
Full Gospel Assembly
Gethsemane French SDA Church
Gospel Crusade Church of the Pentecost
Gospel Truth Church of God
Grace Reformed Church
Grace Worship Center Church of God of Prophecy
Haitian Church of God
Harvest Army Church International
Heaven's Gate Redeemed Christian Church of God
Horeb SDA Church
Iglesia de Dios Principe de Paz
Islamic Society of Flatbush
Jesus of Nazareth Christian Assembly
John Hus Moravian Church
Kings County Hospital Prayer Space
Kingsbrook Hospital Prayer Space
Kingston Creole Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
La Nouvelle Eglise Baptiste de Bethlehem
Little Flock of Jesus Christ
Living Word Church of God in Christ
Midwood Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Miller Evangelical Christian Union Church
More Grace Redemptive Center
Mount Sinai French SDA Church
Mt. Moriah Spiritual Church
Nessen's Shul
New Life Church of God
Nishai Chabad of Crown Heights
Open Bible Faith Ministry
Original Church of God of Prophecy
Pentecostal Church of God
Persian Jewish Center of Brooklyn
Philadelphia Sabbath Cathedral
Sanctifying Church of God
Shain Eliyahu
Shekinah Tabernacle of Praise
Simchas Yosef
Spiritual Mission of St. Paul
St. Ann's Baptist Church
St. Anthony Baptist Church
St. Augustine's American Catholic Church
St. Francis of Assisi-St. Blaise R.C. Church
St. Gabriel's Episcopal Church
St. Ignatius Roman Catholic Church
St. John's Spiritual Baptist Church
St. Mark's Baptist Church
St. Michael African Orthodox Church
St. Peter's Church
Tadaka V Chayim
Trinity Methodist Church
United Spiritual Baptist Church of God
United Triumphant Church of Christ
Upper Room Church of the Nazarene
Vanderbilt Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Wayside Bethany Full Gospel Church of God
Yeshivah of Crown Heights


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