Police Precinct Index of Congregations in Brooklyn

Index Updated November 5, 2024

— Precinct 73 —

Agape Fellowship Church
All People's Church
Ambassadors for Christ Church
America Come Back to God Evangelical Church
Apostolic Faith Church
Apostolic Gospel Church of Christ
Ark of Christ Mission
Berean SDA Church
Bethel New Life in Christ Ministries
Bethesda Healing Center
Bible Gospel Center
Blessed Assurance Church of God
Bright Light Baptist Church
Brownsville AME Zion Church
Brownsville Church of God
Brownsville Community Baptist Church
Calvary Church of God
Cedar of Lebanon Baptist Church
Charity Baptist Church of Christ
Cherubim & Seraphim Church Movement
Christ Fellowship Worship Center
Christian Crossroads Ministry
Church of Fire Pentecostal
Church of God of Brownsville
Church of the First Born
Community of Faith Family Worship Center
Cornerstone Pentecostal Church
Covenant Keepers Christian Center
Daniels Church of God in Christ
Dominion Intl Ctr Redeemed Christian Church of God
East New York Church of God of Prophecy
Eben Ezer SDA Church
Emmanuel Christian Discipleship Church
Emmanuel Deliverance Temple
Faith Builders Ministry
Faith Healing Deliverance Ministries
Faith Mission Church of God
Faith Pentecostal Tabernacle
First Baptist Church of Brownsville
First Community Church of God
Fulton Street Church of God of Prophecy
Gethsemane Baptist Church of Deliverance
Gideon Knights Freedom Church of Jesus Christ
Glorious Morning Star Cherubim & Seraphim Church
Glover Memorial Baptist Church
Grace Church of God
Grace Temple Church of God in Christ
Greater New Beginning Baptist Church
Greater Tabernacle Christian Center
Heaven Bound Temple Church
Hebrew Evangelical Church
Helping Hands Ministry
Holy City Faith and Deliverance Center
Holy Ground Tabernacle Church of Christ
Holy House of Prayer For All People
Holy Pentecostal Church for All People
Holy Redeemer Baptist Church
Holy United Army of God's Church
House of David Ministries
House of Faith Church of Holiness COGIC
House of Prayer For All People
Iglesia de Dios Brownsville
Iglesia Misionera Abrugo Del Artsimo
Kingdom Life Christian Center
Liberty Baptist Church
Lion of Judah
Little Bethlehem Apostolic Faith Church
Little Jerusalem House of Prayer
Little Rock Baptist Church
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church
Marantha Church of God
Melchizedek House Prayer Spiritual Baptist Church
Miracle Temple Ministries
Mision Cristiana Primera Resurreccion
Mountains of Fire and Miracles Ministries
Mt. Ararat Missionary Baptist Church
Mt. Carmel Spiritual Baptist Church
Mt. Dew Baptist Church
Mt. Hebron Church of Christ (Disc)
Mt. Ollie Baptist Church
Mt. Sion Baptist Church
Mt. Tabor Spiritual Baptist Church
Mt. Zion Pentecostal Holiness Church
National Church of God of Brooklyn
New Frontier Baptist Church
New Hope Pentecostal Church
New Hope Pentecostal Church of Mt. Zion
New Jerusalem Holiness Church
New Life Cathedral
New Life Pentecostal Holiness Church
Olutunu Cherubim & Seraphim Church
Open Door Apostolic Tabernacle (UPC)
Our Lady of Mercy Roman Catholic Church
Our Lady of the Presentation Roman Catholic Church
Palace of Joy Cherubim and Seraphim Church
Pentecostal House of Prayer
People's Baptist Church
Peterson Temple Church of God in Christ
Pilgrim Church of Brownsville
Pillar of Truth Apostolic Church of Christ
Powerful Praise Tabernacle
Praise Tabernacle
Prayer Mission Church of Christ (Disc)
Primera Iglesia Cristiano Discipulos de Brooklyn
Primera Iglesia Pentecostal Alpha Y Omega
Proverb Church of God in Christ
Redeemed Light of God Church
Refuge Temple Apostolic Church
Rehoboth International Fellowship
Resurrection Baptist Church
Resurrection Christian Deliverance Ministry
Revelation Church of Jesus Christ (Apostolic)
Revival Hour Mission
Risen Christ Lutheran Church
Rock of Holiness Christian Fellowship
Royal Light Temple Church of God
Saint Christine Spiritual Healing School
Salvation and Restoration Christian Center
Salvation Army Brownsville Corps
Saratoga Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Saved to Serve Family Worship Center
Sharon Baptist Church
Spanish American Christian Church
Spread the Word House of Blessings
St. Catherine Spiritual Baptist Church
St. Jame's Holiness Church
St. Mark's Church of Christ (Disc)
St. Matthew Fire Baptized Holiness Church
St. Matthew Glorious United Church of God
St. Paul Pentecostal Church
St. Paul Pentecostal Church of God
St. Paul United Church of God
St. Paul's Holiness Church
St. Timothy Holy Church
Strauss Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Sweet Pilgrim Baptist Church
Sweet Pilgrim Tabernacle
Tabernacle Baptist Church
Temple Beth El Holy Church of the Living God
Temple Church Disciples of Christ
Temple of Deliverance Baptist Church
Temple Royale Pentecostal Church
Thessalonia Baptist Church
Tiberia Baptist Church
Tingman's Tabernacle of Deliverance
Triumphant Apostolic Church Inc.
Triumphant Church of God
True Light Bible Church of God
True Worship Center
Truth Center of Divine Awareness
United Baptist Church
United Baptist Church
United Christian Assembly Church
United Pentecostal House of Prayer
United Spiritual Church of God
Unity Temple Baptist Church
Universal Church of God in Christ
Universal Temple Church of God
Victorious Church of God
Victory Christian Tabernacle
Victory Faith Tabernacle
Victory Missionary Baptist Church
Voice of Hope SDA Church
Wayside Baptist Church
Whole Truth Fulfilled & Preached COOLJC
World Outreach Christian Center
Zion Gospel Tabernacle, Inc.
Zion House of Faith Church


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New York, NY 10115-0070


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