Zip Code Index of Congregations in Brooklyn

Index Updated February 6, 2025

— 11210 —

Ammi Evangelical Baptist Church
Apostolic House of Prayer
Ayudath Israel of Midwood
Believers in Jesus Christ Assoc. Baptist Church
Berean Adventist Association
Bethel Born Again Church
Bethel Christian Church (Disciples)
Brooklyn Church of Christ
Christ Mon Berger
Christian Heritage Church
Christian Heritage Church
Christian Ministries Fellowship
Church of Jerusalem
Congregation Bnai Jacob
Congregation Kol Torah
Crusade Evangelique de Pecheurs d' Hommes (Disc)
Ebenezer International Church of God
Eglise Baptiste de Israel
Eglise Baptiste Du Redempteur
Eglise de Dieu
Eglise de Dieu Freres En Christ
Eglise de Dieu Puissance de L'Evangelique Action
Eglise Des Messagers Dela Nouvelle Jerusalem
Eglise Revelation Divine
Emmanuel Church of God
Epiphany & St. Simon Episcopal Church
Eternal Light Church Inc. Christ Temple
Evangelical Crusade of Soul Winners (Disc)
Fire Baptized Holiness Church
First Haitian Church of the Brethren
First Wesleyan Church of Brooklyn
Full Gospel Church of God
Glorious Church of God in Christ
Glory of God Ministries
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Good Shepherd Spiritual Baptist Church
Grace of God Tabernacle
His Grace Outreach International
Hope of Jesus Israel Church
Kenilworth Baptist Church
Khal Ahavas Yisrael
Kings Church of Christ
Kings Highway United Methodist Church
Kol Israel Congregation
Kollel of Flatbush
L'Eglise de Dieu
Manahian Church of God
Masjid Imam Bukhami Tri-State Islamic Center
Our Lady Help of Christians Roman Catholic Church
Our Lady of Refuge Roman Catholic Church
Patmos SDA Church
Rock of Holiness Deliverance Ministries
Smyrne French Mission SDA Church
St. Mark's Spiritual Deliverance Zion Church
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
St. Vincent Ferrer Roman Catholic Church
Tri-State Islamic Center
Trinity New Testament Assembly
VanderVeer Park United Methodist Church
World Missions Assembly
Young Israel of Avenue K
Young Israel of Vanderveer Park


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Anglican, Baptist, Congregational, Disciples, Lutheran, Methodist, Moravian, Orthodox, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Reformed, and
Independent Churches


475 Riverside Drive Ste 727

New York, NY 10115-0070


FAX 212-870-1025



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