Zip Code Index of Congregations in Brooklyn

Index Updated February 6, 2025

— 11229 —

Advent-Gravesend Church [Lutheran-Reformed]
Agudath Israel of Madison
Beit Shaul U Miriam
Beth El Jewish Center-Flatbush
Brooklyn Alliance Church of the C&MA
Brooklyn Community Christian Church
Chabad of Sheepshead Bay
Chabad-Marine Park Nachalas
Congregation Etz Chaim
Congregation Etz Chaim of Flatbush
Congregation Pri Eitz Chaim
Eternal Life Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn
First Baptist Church of Sheepshead Bay
Good Shepherd Roman Catholic Church
Homecrest Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Homecrest Presbyterian Church
Jewish Center Nachlath Zion
Jewish Center of Kings Highway
Kings Highway Reformed Church
Kingsway Jewish Center
Kingsway Jewish Center
Messiah's Covenant Community Church
Midwood Russian Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
New Jerusalem SDA Church
Ocean Avenue Jewish Center
Resurrection Roman Catholic Church
Shaare Shalom Congregation
Shellbank Jewish Center
Shuva Israel
St. Edmund Roman Catholic Church
St. James Lutheran Church
Temple Ahareth Shalom of Flatbush
Three Hierarchs Greek Orthodox Church
Young Israel of Avenue U
Young Israel of Bedford Bay


Bringing together the New York City leadership of Christian Denominations and Borough Councils of Churches, including:
Anglican, Baptist, Congregational, Disciples, Lutheran, Methodist, Moravian, Orthodox, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Reformed, and
Independent Churches


475 Riverside Drive Ste 727

New York, NY 10115-0070


FAX 212-870-1025



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