Links to Religious Liberty Resources
Signing the Consensus Statement on
Religious Liberty, Public Education,
and the Future of American Democracy
Center for Studies on New
Religions – Features an archive of extraordinary depth, cataloged by topic,
nation and over a hundred NRMs. This is an international forum with most of the
items in English.
Searchable Database of US Supreme Court Decisions since 1893
Amendment Center of the Freedom Forum
International Study Consultation on Religious Freedom and the Rights of Religious Minorities – The Consultation drew participants from churches, church related organizations,
academia, civil society and human rights organizations and legal professionals from 23
countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, the Americas and Europe. It met from November 27 to December 2, 2011, in Istanbul, Turkey,
as part of an international study consultation organized by the Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of the World Council of Churches. His All Holiness, Ecumencial Patriarch Bartholomew I, welcomed and addressed the participants. The Consultation analysed the situations of rights of religious minorities and freedom of religion in various contexts. Many of the report are available here in Adobe Acrobat format (pdf):
The Law of Church and State in America by Dean M. Kelley – An online publication of this 5-volume work completed in 1997 by the Rev. Dean M. Kelley, long-time Director for Religious and Civil Liberties of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA. This work is structured around important functions or aspects of the
religious enterprise. Volume I deals with the autonomy of religious bodies, that is,
their rights to manage their own internal affairs. Volume II deals with the outreach
activities of religious bodies as they relate to the external world. Volume III treats of
the inculcation of the faith by or on behalf of religious bodies (and a wide array of
educational practices pertaining to religion in public schools). Volume IV studies the
patterns of protecting the practice of the faith by the faithful in the secular world. And
Volume V focuses on state shelters for religion— institutionalized provisions for
“protecting” religion, such as legal exemptions (as from taxation), governmental
“proprietaries” (such as chaplaincies), folk-practices of civil religion or the public
cultus that become enmeshed with state action, and the perplexities of governmental
efforts to define (or to avoid defining) “religion” and “church.”
Information Institute – Cornell Law School sponsors this user friendly
website to assist those conducting legal research in many areas of the law.
of Congress – A superb exhibition on American religious liberty which
focuses on the colonial and constitutional periods of American history.
Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life
Religious Expression in American Public Life – A Joint Statement of Current Law – The drafters' purpose in crafting this statement is to help foster an accurate understanding of current law and improve our national dialogue on these issues. While there is disagreement among the drafters about the merits of some of the court decisions and laws mentioned in the document, the drafters agree that current law protects the rights of people to express their religious convictions and practice their faiths on government property and in public life as described in the statement. In other words, while this diverse group often disagrees about how the law should address issues regarding the intersection of religion and government, it agrees in many cases on what the law is today. More broadly, the drafters also agree that religious liberty, or freedom of conscience, is a fundamental, inalienable right for all people, religious and nonreligious, and that there is a need to correct misunderstandings about this right. The joint statement, which is formatted in a Q and A style, seeks to provide accessible and useful information for Americans about this area of law.
Religious Liberty Archive – View Supreme Court cases and commentaries,
state statutes, and important historical documents and speeches relevant to religious
freedom in the United States.
– Prepared by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty
Roundtable on Religion and Social Welfare Policy
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Office of the General Counsel
U.S. Department of Justice - Special Counsel for Religious Discrimination
Department of State - International Religious Freedom
J. M. Dawson Institute of Church-State Studies (Baylor University)
Law & Religion Issues for Law Academics – A listserv moderated
by Eugene Volokh at UCLA - Use this link to register for the list.
Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion
Alliance Defending Freedom for Faith & Justice
American Center for Law and Justice
American Civil Liberties Union
Religious Liberty Section
Jewish Congress
American Jewish Committee
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Anti-Defamation League
Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty
Becket Fund for Religious Liberty
League for Religious and Civil Rights
Christian Legal Society
Ethics and Public Policy Institute
Family Resource Council
Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network
Home School Legal Defense Association
Association for Religious Freedom
International Coalition for Religious Freedom
Liberty Magazine
People for the American Way Foundation
Religious Action Center
Rutherford Institute
Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression
Signing the Consensus Statement on
Religious Liberty, Public Education,
and the Future of American Democracy
American Academy of Religion
American Association of School Administrators
American Center for Law and Justice
American Federation of Teachers
American Jewish Committee
American Jewish Congress
United for Separation of Church and State
Anti-Defamation League
Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development
Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty
Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
League for Religious and Civil Rights
Central Conference of American Rabbis
Coalition for the
Community of Reason
Council on Islamic Education
Christian Coalition
Christian Educators Association
Christian Legal Society
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Department of Education of the
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
First Amendment Center
General Conference of Seventh-day
Islamic Society of North America
National Association of Elementary School Principals
National Association of Evangelicals
National Association of Secondary School Principals
National Conference for Community and Justice
National Council for the Social Studies
National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA
National Education Association
National PTA
National School Boards Association
People for the American Way
Phi Delta Kappa
Union of American Hebrew Congregations
Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America
Signing the Consensus Statement on
Religious Liberty, Public Education,
and the Future of American Democracy
