Zip Code Index of Congregations in Manhattan

Index Updated February 6, 2025

— 10027 —

Amsterdam Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Annunciation Roman Catholic Church
Antioch Baptist Church
Antioch Church of God in Christ
ATLAH World Missionary church
Bethlehem Pentecostal Assembly
Beulah Baptist Church
Blessed Trinity Baptist Church
Christ Temple Baptist Church
Christ Temple Church in the Village of Harlem
Church of Corpus Christi
Church of St. Aloysius
Church of the Master (Presbyterian)
Dimensions of Hope SDA Mission
East Mount Olive Baptist Church
Ebenezer Gospel Tabernacle
Edgecombe Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Ephesus SDA Church
Faith Mission Christian Fellowship Church
Faith Temple Deliverance Center
Friendship Baptist Church
Glad Tidings Tabernacle
Glendale Baptist Church
Gospel Temple Church of Christ (Disciples)
Greater Bethel AME Church
Greater Calvary Baptist Church
Greater Metropolitan Baptist Church
Greater Refuge Temple of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Greater Zion Hill Baptist Church
Greather Calvary Baptist Church
Harlem 1st Ward Latter Day Saints
Harlem 2nd Ward Spanish Latter Day Saints
Lagree Baptist Church
Lenox Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Love of God Church
Lower Harlem Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Macedonia Baptist Church
Manhattan Baptist Church
Manhattan Bible Church
Metropolitan Baptist Church
Morija French SDA Church
Morningside United Methodist Church
Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church
Mount Olivet Baptist Church
Mt. Morris - Asecnsion Presbyterian Church
Mt. Olive Fire Baptized Holiness Church
New Testament Baptist Church
Old Broadway Synagogue
Pentecostal Law & Commandment Keepers Church
Pilgrim Cathedral of Harlem
Riverside Church
Saint Luke Baptist Church
Saint Paul Baptist Church
Salem United Methodist Church
Shiloh Baptist Church
Shiloh Church of Christ (Disciples)
St. Martin's & St. Luke's Church
St. Mary's Episcopal Church (Manhattanville)
Tabernacle of Prayer
Tabernaculo de la Fe
Templo Biblico Brethren Assembly
Thomas Memorial Wesleyan Church
Transfiguration Lutheran Church
Triboro Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses
Trinity AME Church
United Pentecostal Church
White Rock Baptist Church


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Anglican, Baptist, Congregational, Disciples, Lutheran, Methodist, Moravian, Orthodox, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Reformed, and
Independent Churches


475 Riverside Drive Ste 727

New York, NY 10115-0070


FAX 212-870-1025



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