Police Precinct Index of Congregations in Queens

Index Updated March 3, 2025

— Precinct 115 —

Alpha Missionary Baptist Church
American Muslim Mission Ctr Masjid Nurid-Deen
Antioch Baptist Church of Corona
Atonement Lutheran Church
Beth Hillel of Jackson Heights Congregation
Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Church
Christian Church John 3:16
Christian Emmanuel Mission Church
Christian Universal Church
Church of South India
Church of the Resurrection
Community Church of God in Christ
Community United Methodist Church
Congregation Tifereth Israel of Jackson Heights
Corona Congregational United Church of Christ
Corona Seventh-day Adventist Church
Elmhurst Church of God in Christ
Elmhurst Jewish Center
Emanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church
Ethical Culture Society of Queens
First Baptist Church of East Elmhurst
Flushing Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church
Friendship Baptist Church
Galilee Gospel Chapel (Plymouth Brethren)
Getsemani Iglesia Bautista
Gospel New Life Church of God
Greater Mt. Zion Church
Green Pastures Korean Methodist Church of New York
Hanghil Presbyterian Church of New York
Hindu Vaarni
Immanuel Baptist Church
Italian Christian Church
Jerusalem Presbyterian Church in New York
Jewish Center of Jackson Heights
Korean American Chapel
Korean Church of Queens
Korean Glory Presbyterian Church of New York
Korean Methodist Church of Queens
Korean Presbyterian Church of East New York
Korean Presbyterian Church of the Ark in New York
Korean Saehan Church of the Nazarene
Leverich Memorial Church of Corona
Manhattan Mission Church
Modern Buddhism
Mount Horeb Baptist Church
Mt. Olivet Gospel Church
Mt. Zion Baptist Church
New Hope Baptist Church
New York Church
New York Dae Kwang Presbyterian Church
New York Fruit Church Assembly of God
New York Hindu Santam Mandir
New York Presbyterian Church
NY Hindu Sanatan Mandir
NY Southern Asian Seventh-day Adventist Church
Our Lady of Fatima Roman Catholic Church
Our Lady of Sorrows Roman Catholic Church
Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha
Shaw A. M. E. Zion Church
Shiloh Baptist Church of Corona
Shiva Mandir
Southern Baptist Church
St. Alexander Nevsky Russian Orthodox Church
St. Gabriel Roman Catholic Church
St. Joan of Arc Roman Catholic Church
St. Mark African Methodist Episcopal Church
St. Mark's Church
Traditional Roman Catholic Church
Transfiguration of Christ Greek Orthodox Church
Wesleyan Jerusalem Church
Young Israel of Jackson Heights
Young Nak Presbyterian Church
Zian Presbyterian Church


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New York, NY 10115-0070


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