Alphabetic Index of Congregations in Brooklyn

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Index Updated February 6, 2025

— S —

Sacred Heart Metaphysical Church  [11238]
Sacred Heart of Jesus Spiritual Baptist Church  [11233]
Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church  [11205]
Sacred Heart Spiritual Baptist Church  [11233]
Sacred Hearts-St. Stephen Roman Catholic Church  [11231]
Saint Christine Spiritual Healing School  [11233]
Saint Francis of Paolo Roman Catholic Church  [11211]
Saints Peter & Paul - Epiphany Parish R.C. Church  [11249]
Saints Peter & Paul - Epiphany Parish R.C. Church  [11249]
Saints Simon & Jude Roman Catholic Church  [11223]
Saints Temple Church of God in Christ  [11238]
Salam Christian Arab Church  [11209]
Salem Gospel Tabernacle  [11220]
Salem Missionary Baptist Church  [11226]
Salvation and Restoration Christian Center  [11233]
Salvation Army Bedford Temple Corps  [11216]
Salvation Army Brownsville Corps  [11212]
Salvation Army Bushwick Corps  [11221]
Salvation Army Sunset Park Corps  [11220]
Salvation Baptist Church  [11238]
Sanctifying Church of God  [11225]
Santistada Jehovah  [11237]
Saratoga Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses  [11212]
Saved to Serve Family Worship Center  [11233]
Sea Breeze Jewish Center  [11224]
Seaview Jewish Center  [11223]
Second Calvary Baptist Church  [11207]
Second Chance Ministry  [11207]
Second Evangelical Free Church  [11220]
Second St. James Church of Christ (Disc)  [11208]
Second St. Paul Church of Christ (Disc)  [11208]
Sephardic Center of Mill Basin  [11234]
Sephardic Congregation Har Ha-Lebanon  [11223]
Sephardic Jewish Center of Canarsie  [11236]
Sephardic Lebanese Synagogue  [11223]
Seven Revelations Spiritual Baptist Church  [11216]
Shaare Shalom Congregation  [11229]
Shaare Zion Congregation  [11223]
Shain Eliyahu  [11225]
Shama Christian Fellowship  [11236]
Sharon Baptist Church  [11207]
Sheepshead Bay United Methodist Church  [11235]
Sheffield Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses  [11207]
Shekinah Glory Ministries  [11216]
Shekinah House of Deliverance Christian Church  [11203]
Shekinah Tabernacle of Praise  [11203]
Shellbank Jewish Center  [11229]
Shiloh Apostolic Church  [11203]
Shiloh Baptist Church  [11216]
Shiloh Pentecostal Assembly  [11226]
Shiloh SDA Church  [11216]
Shiloh Spiritual Baptist Temple  [11203]
Shiny Light Pentecostal Church  [11212]
Shore Park Jewish Center  [11235]
Shore Parkway Jewish Center  [11214]
Shri Maha Kali Devi Mandir  [11207]
Shri Rama Krishna Mandir  [11232]
Shri Satya Mandir  [11208]
Shri Satyam Mandir  [11208]
Shrine Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel  [11211]
Shuva Israel  [11229]
Siloam Presbyterian Church  [11216]
Simchas Yosef  [11203]
Simply Christians for Christ Church of God  [11236]
Sixth Avenue Baptist Church  [11217]
Smirna Christian Church Assembly of God  [10027]
Smyrne French Mission SDA Church  [11210]
Smyrne French SDA Church  [11236]
Solid Rock Baptist Church  [11238]
Solid Rock Baptist Church  [11206]
Solid Rock Church of Christ (Disc)  [11208]
Solid Rock Pentecostal Fellowship Church  [11238]
Sons and Daughters of Zion Church  [11221]
Soul Harvest Evangelism Center  [11233]
South Brooklyn Church  [11231]
South Brooklyn SDA Church  [11216]
South Brooklyn Spanish SDA Church  [11217]
South Bushwick Reformed Church  [11221]
Southern Baptist Church  [11207]
Spanish American Christian Church  [11233]
Spanish Church of God, Inc.  [11221]
Spanish Gospel Assembly  [11206]
Spanish United Pentecostal Church  [11205]
Spirit of Brotherhood Church  [11211]
Spirit of Jesus Evangelistic Community  [11214]
Spiritual Israel Church and Its Army  [11233]
Spiritual Mission of St. Paul  [11225]
Spread the Word House of Blessings  [11212]
Springer's Deliverance Temple Church of Christ  [11208]
Springhill Baptist Church  [11233]
Sri Durga Mandir  [11207]
Sri Radha Govinda Temple  [11217]
Sri Ram Mandir  [11208]
Ss. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral  [11201]
St. Agatha Roman Catholic Church  [11220]
St. Alban's Episcopal Church  [11236]
St. Andrew Episcopal Church  [11220]
St. Andrew the Apostle Roman Catholic Church  [11220]
St. Ann & the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church  [11201]
St. Ann's Baptist Church  [11225]
St. Anselm Roman Catholic Church  [11209]
St. Anthony - St. Alphonsus Roman Catholic Church  [11222]
St. Anthony Baptist Church  [11213]
St. Anthony Spiritual Baptist Church  [11226]
St. Anthony's Temple  [11207]
St. Athanasius Roman Catholic Church  [11204]
St. Augustine Episcopal Church  [11203]
St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church  [11217]
St. Augustine's American Catholic Church  [11213]
St. Augustine's Spiritual Apostolic Church  [11213]
St. Barbara Roman Catholic Church  [11221]
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church  [11208]
St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church  [11216]
St. Bernadette Roman Catholic Church  [11228]
St. Bernard Roman Catholic Church  [11234]
St. Brendan Roman Catholic Church  [11230]
St. Brigid Roman Catholic Church  [11237]
St. Catherine of Alexandria Roman Catholic Church  [11218]
St. Catherine of Genoa Roman Catholic Church  [11203]
St. Catherine Spiritual Baptist Church  [11212]
St. Cecilia Roman Catholic Church  [11222]
St. Charles Borromeo Roman Catholic Church  [11201]
St. Columba Roman Catholic Church  [11234]
St. Cyril of Turov Cathedral  [11217]
St. Dominic Roman Catholic Church  [11204]
St. Edmund Roman Catholic Church  [11229]
St. Ephrem Roman Catholic Church  [11228]
St. Finbar Roman Catholic Church  [11214]
St. Fortunata Roman Catholic Church  [11208]
St. Frances Cabrini Roman Catholic Church  [11228]
St. Frances de Chantal Roman Catholic Church  [11219]
St. Frances Xavier Roman Catholic Church  [11215]
St. Francis of Assisi-St. Blaise R.C. Church  [11225]
St. Gabriel's Church of God in Christ  [11216]
St. Gabriel's Episcopal Church  [11225]
St. George Coptic Orthodox Church  [11219]
St. George's Episcopal Church  [11216]
St. Gregory the Great Roman Catholic Church  [11213]
St. Ignatius Roman Catholic Church  [11225]
St. Jacobi Lutheran Church  [11220]
St. Jacobi Lutheran Church (Chinese)  [11220]
St. Jame's Holiness Church  [11212]
St. James Church of God  [11233]
St. James Lutheran Church  [11229]
St. Jerome Roman Catholic Church  [11226]
St. John Divine Spiritual Baptist Church  [11226]
St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church  [11206]
St. John the Evangelist Lutheran Church  [11206]
St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church  [11215]
St. John's AME Church  [11233]
St. John's Apostolic Spiritual Church  [11212]
St. John's Episcopal Church  [11217]
St. John's Fire Baptized Holiness Church of God  [11238]
St. John's Lutheran Church  [11222]
St. John's Pentecostal Holy Church  [11216]
St. John's Spiritual Baptist Church  [11225]
St. John's Wesleyan Methodist Church  [11212]
St. John-St. Matthew-Emmanuel Lutheran Church  [11215]
St. Joseph Patron of the Universal Church (R.C.)  [11221]
St. Joseph's Anglican Church  [11207]
St. Jude Ecumenical Spiritual Baptist Church  [11213]
St. Jude Roman Catholic Church  [11236]
St. Laurence Roman Catholic Church  [11207]
St. Leonard's Anglican Church  [11221]
St. Lucy - St. Patrick Roman Catholic Church  [11205]
St. Lucy's Old Roman Catholic Church  [11205]
St. Luke & St. Matthew Episcopal Church  [11238]
St. Luke Fire Baptized Holiness Church  [11216]
St. Lydia's Lutheran Church  [11231]
St. Malachy Roman Catholic Church  [11207]
St. Margaret Mary Roman Catholic Church  [11235]
St. Mark Holy Church of America  [11233]
St. Mark Roman Catholic Church  [11235]
St. Mark's Baptist Church  [11225]
St. Mark's Church of Christ (Disc)  [11233]
St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church  [11206]
St. Mark's Spiritual Deliverance Zion Church  [11210]
St. Mark's United Methodist Church  [11226]
St. Martin de Porres Roman Catholic Church  [11216]
St. Martin of Tours-14 Holy Martyrs R.C. Church  [11221]
St. Martin's Spiritual Baptist Church  [11213]
St. Mary Mother of Jesus Roman Catholic Church  [11214]
St. Mary Star of the Sea Roman Catholic Church  [11231]
St. Mary's Antiochian Orthodox Church  [11209]
St. Mary's Church of God in Christ  [11213]
St. Mary's Episcopal Church  [11205]
St. Mary's Spiritual Church  [11226]
St. Matthew Church of Christ (Disc)  [11213]
St. Matthew Fire Baptized Holiness Church  [11233]
St. Matthew Glorious United Church of God  [11207]
St. Matthew Lutheran Church  [11236]
St. Matthew Roman Catholic Church  [11213]
St. Michael African Orthodox Church  [11213]
St. Michael Roman Catholic Church  [11232]
St. Michael Roman Catholic Church  [11207]
St. Michael's Spiritual Church  [11203]
St. Nectarios Greek Orthodox Church  [11220]
St. Nicholas & St. Marina Greek Orthodox Church  [11204]
St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral  [11217]
St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church  [11211]
St. Nino Mission, Orthodox Church in America  [11235]
St. Patrick Roman Catholic Church  [11209]
St. Paul & St. Agnes Roman Catholic Church  [11231]
St. Paul AME Church  [11208]
St. Paul Community Baptist Church  [11207]
St. Paul Pentecostal Church  [11233]
St. Paul Pentecostal Church of God  [11233]
St. Paul Tabernacle Church  [11207]
St. Paul United Church of God  [11233]
St. Paul's 7th Day Spiritual Baptist Church  [11213]
St. Paul's Church of Christ (Disc)  [11221]
St. Paul's Church of the Nazarene  [11216]
St. Paul's Episcopal Church  [11231]
St. Paul's Episcopal Church  [11226]
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church  [11224]
St. Paul's Holiness Church  [11207]
St. Paul's Lutheran Church  [11221]
St. Paul's Lutheran Church  [11210]
St. Paul's Lutheran Church  [11211]
St. Paul's United Methodist Church  [11203]
St. Peter Claver Roman Catholic Church  [11238]
St. Peter St. Paul Our Lady of Pilar R. C. Church  [11201]
St. Peter's Church  [11226]
St. Peter's Lutheran Church  [11208]
St. Philip's Christian Church (Disc)  [11221]
St. Philip's Episcopal Church  [11233]
St. Philip's Episcopal Church  [11228]
St. Phillip's Lutheran Church  [11208]
St. Philomen Spiritual Baptist Church  [11216]
St. Rayfield Baptist Church  [11233]
St. Rita Roman Catholic Church  [11208]
St. Rocco Roman Catholic Church  [11232]
St. Rosalia - Regina Pacis Roman Catholic Church  [11219]
St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church  [11230]
St. Saviour Roman Catholic Church  [11215]
St. Stanislaus Kostka Roman Catholic Church  [11222]
St. Stephen's Lutheran Church  [11226]
St. Sylvester Roman Catholic Church  [11208]
St. Teresa of Avila Roman Catholic Church  [11238]
St. Therese of Liseux Roman Catholic Church  [11203]
St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Church  [11234]
St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Church  [11215]
St. Thomas Episcopal Church  [11207]
St. Timothy Holy Church  [11212]
St. Vincent Ferrer Roman Catholic Church  [11210]
Star of Bethlehem Spiritual Baptist Church  [11216]
Straight Way Church of God in Christ  [11238]
Strauss Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses  [11212]
Stuyvesant Heights Christian Church (Disc)  [11216]
Stuyvesant Heights SDA Church  [11221]
Sumner Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses  [11216]
Sunlight Pentecostal Holiness Church  [11233]
Sunset Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses  [11220]
Sure Foundation Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ  [11213]
Sweet Pilgrim Baptist Church  [11233]
Sweet Pilgrim Tabernacle  [11233]
Sychar French SDA Church  [11203]

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